Those investing in SuperCool™ Pods have a lot on the line: there is great expense and labor that goes into cannabis cultivation. The interior environment of the Pods can be thought of, in many respects as a living, breathing organism that needs regular monitoring. Regardless of what is planted there, all SuperCool™ Pod growers have great value placed on their garden, their energy, and their time. Recognizing this, we have given the SuperCool™ Pod the ability to be closely monitored by a system of IP Cameras which address this issue in tremendous fashion. An IP Camera is an “Internet Protocol” Camera, able to send and receive data via the internet, and typically used for surveillance.
In a cannabis operation where there are multiple rooms and SuperCool™ Pods, a surveillance system needs to provide coverage in a variety of areas, some brightly lit by HID lighting which is subject to glare or distortion, and some with less light than which most IP cameras are able to adjust.
SuperCool™ Systems provides a wide range of IP cameras and surveillance solutions to seamlessly cover an entire facility, and feed that data into a custom built GUI that enables remote management of your surveillance system. SuperCool™ Systems GUI supports hundreds of cameras and stations in a hierarchical structure for monitoring, recording, playback and event trigger management with simplistic and efficient control. This ensures the safety of your employees, plants, and all the other nuts and bolts that comprise the investment at your facility. All activity can be visualized, live.